Our Contributions to the Professional Literature
Willamette Management Associates analysts have authored several respected books on topics related to business valuation, intangible asset valuation, and forensic analysis. The table of contents of each of our more recent books is presented below, along with ordering information.
- Guide to ESOP Valuation
- Valuing Intangible Asset
- Guide to Property Tax Valuation
- Valuing Small Business & Professional Practices
- Valuing Accounting Practices
- The Handbook of Business Valuation and Intellectual Property Analysis
- The handbook of Advanced Business Valuation
- Valuing Professional Practice
- Valuing a Business
Our most recent books

Best Practices: Thought Leadership in Valuation, Damages, and Transfer Price Analysis
This book provides an anthology of discussions not found in most textbooks that address valuation, damages, or transfer price principles.

Guide to Intangible Assets, Revised Edition
This comprehensive resource examines each of the basic valuation approaches and reviews the research and due diligence necessary for you to effectively value specific intangible asset types.

A Practical Guide to Bankruptcy Valuation, Second Edition
A Practical Guide to Bankruptcy Valuation provides practical guidance on the valuation of a business, business ownership interest, security, or intangible asset within a bankruptcy context.